Sunday, April 5, 2009

Walking to El Santuario de Chimayó a New Mexico Tradition by JJ.
The New Mexico Highway Department estimates that over 30,000 of the Catholic Faithful will make the annual pilgrimage to El Santuario de Chimayo this Lenten period. If you have never been on this journey, you do not know what you are missing.
Sure there will be blisters and soreness but the sense of accomplishment for such a feat is priceless not to mention it is for a good cause (yourself). It is an awesome site to see thousands of people walking down the narrow highways with volunteers handing out water and first aide and others cheering you on your way. In a time when there seems to be nothing but bad news in the world, one looks at the generosity and faith of the thousands of pilgrims you get a warm feeling inside because there is still hope and America is still the best country on earth.

What did you give up this year?

Some people will give up chocolate, gum or alcohol as their Lenten Sacrifice but others will walk to the “Lourdes of the United States.” These dedicated followers of Christ will walk 5, 10, 15 miles and others have been known to walk from Albuquerque. If you are not from these parts you may be asking yourself “why walk?” Walking to many symbolize Christ’s carrying of the cross to his crucifixion. I am sure there are other reasons but this comes to mind when I made my pilgrimage.

What makes El Santuario so sacred?

What draws nearly 300,000 people annually to his holy site? Many New Mexicans visit because the healing power the church has been known to bring. There is a hole in the ground in the chapel where people can take “Holy” dirt home, many have been known to rub the dirt on their bodies to rid of any aliments or injuries. The dirt has been known to accompany U.S. Soldiers to Iraq and has led them back safely. I know, I had my Santuaro Holy Dirt when I was there. In one room there is an entire wall dedicated to prayer cards, rosaries and crutches of healed followers. It is estimated that the Parish replaces the dirt from the hole to the tune of nearly 20-30 tons a year (1).

The Dirt is only half the story

According to history, in the early 1800s Don Bernardo Abeyta (a local villager) was performing his Lenten penance in the local hills when he noticed a bright light eminating from the ground. Upon digging into the ground Abeyta is said to have found a gold cruxifix (named El Sefior de Esquipulas). Don Abeyta notified the local priest and he organized a procession to escort the cross to the town. The cross was placed in on the church alter. The next day the cross was missing, the villagers found the cross in its original spot. This incident happened two more times until the villagers decided to build a chapel over the hole where the cross was found. This is the same hole people take the holy dirt from. (2)

There is more history to this site, I just wanted to give you the Cliff Notes version of “The Lourdes" of the US. If you want to know more please visit the sources listed below.

Photo is copyrighted, photo of the Santuario at Chimayo, NM was taken in July 2007 by Andrea Stawitcke.

Olsen, Brad (2003). Sacred Places North America: 108 Destinations. CCC Publishing. P. 53. ISBN 1-888729-09-0.

"El Santuario de Chimayo, the Lourdes of America" The Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Retrieved on 2008-03-27.; El Santuario de Chimayo Retrieved on 2008-03-27.

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